What you can expect

Before learning about how Omeka S works, read through the process of becoming a part of Digital Craft Archive. If you or your organization would be interested in pursuing using Omeka S through CCBC, here are the steps you'll need to take:

1. Make sure you have an active CCBC membership. Click to learn more about membership options at CCBC. If you are a member of another provincial Craft Council, you are eligible for this program but will pay a higher fee compared to CCBC members.

2. Send us an email at craftarchive@craftcouncilbc.ca with the subject line "Digital Craft Archive interest". Please feel free to explain a little bit about yourself/your organization and the ways that an Omeka site would benefit you, so that we can offer the best support and advice possible. What kind of material are you looking to share, and what are your goals? Please note that Digital Craft Archive is specifically for collections related to material-based work.

3. We will set up a virtual meeting where you'll be led through Omeka. This is a chance to have a conversation about any questions you might have around the platform. You will also be sent further instructions and resources on how to use Omeka.

4. To confirm your interest and assist CCBC with adminstrative fees, we ask for a nominal fee of $20 for CCBC members, or a $50 fee for members of othe provincial craft councils. This will be paid through an online portal.

5. CCBC staff will set you up with a user account, and an empty "shell" of an omeka site, so you can begin to build your collections.

6. Enjoy building your website, publicizing your holdings and contributing to the knowledge surrounding craft, and learning new skills along the way! You can always reach out for further questions and support, but keep in mind that the idea behind craftarchive.ca is to empower our community groups and members to have complete control over their holdings.