In anticipation of CCBC’s 50th anniversary, the Council is making a concerted effort to catalogue and digitize its own archives, as well as collaborate with community groups to bring their records to light.
To pursue these goals, we have set up Digital Craft Archive; a community-led archival platform designed for craftspeople. Digital Craft Archive is built on Omeka S: a web-based software used by universities, archives, community groups all over the world for describing, cataloguing, and exhibiting resources (documents, artwork, people, artifacts. etc.).
Over the Summer of 2021, CCBC hired three summer students to work on various archival projects and begin building Digital Craft Archive. You can find links to these projects on the homepage. These three projects serve as examples as to what Digital Craft Archive is designed for.
Our larger goal is for Digital Craft Archive to become a community platform, where our members and their organizations can find a home for their collections, photographs, or records which they wish to share with the world. Omeka S allows for multiple “sites” to exist on one domain, allowing craftarchive.ca to hold an unlimited amount of websites and repositories which work separately from each other. Our hope is to help any members interested in setting up their own site on craftarchive.ca, and providing any guidance or instruction they need along the way. View the infographic below to learn more about the process.

Project Credits
Tatiana Povoroznyuk (Summer 2021- Summer 2022): Website admin, project design, BCCMR project lead
Iver Smith (Spring 2022-Spring 2023): Website admin, CCBC internal archives project lead, VGFA project lead
Jane Schneidl (Summer 2021): New Leaf Editions project lead
Sarah Gibbon (Summer 2021): CCBC internal archives project lead
Nathalie Minsky (Summer 2022): New Leaf Editions project lead
Special thanks to Alex Dryden of University Library, University of Illinois, developer of the Teams module which has made Digital Craft Archive possible.