Welcome to the BC Ceramic Marks Registry. This website contains biographical information and mark images for ceramic makers in British Columbia, covering makers working in the 1920s to the present. To find information on a specific maker, navigate to “browse makers” in the at the top of the page. If you want to browse mark images, navigate to “browse marks”.

BCCMR is an ongoing project, and is always accepting submissions. If you are a BC ceramicist and want to submit mark images, biographies, or send in a correction, we welcome you to use our submission forms. Don’t be shy.

Please note that we are including marks with unknown makers, as well as makers on whom there is limited information. As such, some entries may be incomplete, and new information is welcomed. BCCMR is a growing project that is operated by volunteers. We are actively fact-checking the biographical entries, but cannot promise absolute accuracy. Please feel welcome to contact us with any concerns, or submit a correction. Note that BCCMR is not a valuation or authentication tool, and is for research purposes only.