Nyeste, Grant


Maker Name

Nyeste, Grant

Studio name

Mud Sweat & Tears


Bruce Nyeste and Scottish born wife, Laura, have run a full-time production pottery in Sorrento BC supporting their family and serving their community.
In 1981 they returned from New Zealand and moved to Kamloops and later moved to Shuswap Lake and set up their pottery, Mud sweat &Tears in 1986. They mainly taught themselves and took workshops with teachers, Bob Kingsmill and Kinichi Shigeno
They sell through fairs around the interior of BC. They are members of the PGBC , sold through Made in Clay fairs and through the Gallery of BC Ceramics. For a time they made thousands of honey pots for Nicola Valley Apriary, in Merritt, BC, and support Project Empty Bowl
In 2009 their son Grant joined them on a full-time basis, adding his own line of eclectic pottery. Laura stopped throwing, took up hand-building an is now glazing full-time. Their daughter Marie helps out in the studio part-time when she can. Bruce and Grant are exploring crystalline glazes and experimenting with post-fire reduction. Over this last year they have transformed fourteen tons of clay into functional pottery.

First name


Last name


Career dates (start and end)


Personal Website


Links to Further Resources



Debra Sloan