Aquilar, Kristine


Maker Name

Aquilar, Kristine

Studio name



L U P A is handmade ceramics by Kristine Aguilar. Kristine was born in Manila, Philippines and the word lupa is Tagalog for earth/soil/country. Kristine comes from a family of engineers and has inherited an interest in materials and making. She fell in love with clay and wheel-throwing while attending Langara College and has earned a BFA in Studio Arts from Concordia University. She has also participated in an artist residency at Home of the Clay Arts studio (HO-CA) in Tajimi, Japan. Kristine currently works from her studio in East Vancouver.

Potters Guild of BC

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Place of Birth

Manila, Philippines

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Debra E. Sloan

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Aquilar, Kristine Stamp Maker Image