Schamis, Elsa (Turner)


Maker Name

Schamis, Elsa (Turner)

Studio name

1973-79 Pegs Place Pottery School/Studio
1979 - ? almond Park Pottery


Argentine born Elsa Schamis held a Masters Degree in chemistry from Stanford University, USA. She worked at Peg's Place Pottery in the attached studio and taught glaze chemistry classes there. She worked alongside Elinor Vassar, Elspeth Baird, and Debra Sloan. Elsa also became a Board member of the PGBC during the later 1980s and the 1990s, acting as rep. to the Craftsman Association of BC (now CCBC).
Elsa interviewed Don Hutchinson for a substantial biography for what was hoped to become a series of historical articles.

First name


Last name

Schamis (Turner)

Career dates (start and end)


Place of Birth


Place of Death

Studio location

Formal Education

Major Exhibitions

1980 retrospect Ceramics 80, PGBC 25th anniversary


Debra Sloan

Item sets