Peters, Martin


Maker Name

Peters, Martin

Studio name

2006 Dunbar Pottery
1997 - Rosedale Pottery
1995 - Crawford Street Pottery
1974 - Leach pottery
1972 - Slug Pottery


Martin Peters attended the Kootenay School of Art 1970-73 , studying under Walter Dexter and Francis Hatfield. He then apprenticed with Mick Henry at Slug Pottery in Roberts Creek from 1972 - 1974. Influenced by Mick and the connections to Bernard Leach Martin chose to go to the Leach Pottery for an apprenticeship.
In late 1973 Leach had invited John Reeve to return to the Leach Pottery as his successor, Reeve left Vancouver in 1974. Martin arrived in St. Ives later the same year. John Reeve and Janet Leach did not see eye to eye on the management of the pottery. Bernard Leach, by now an elderly man with failing eyesight, was no longer working at the pottery. During the evenings Martin did have the opportunity to assist Bernard in the editing of his biography. Martin was the 5th BC potter to have worked at the Leach Pottery. Within seven months Martin and John left the Leach, traveled across England visiting Colin Pearson, Aylesford Pottery, and Lucy Rie. They traveled to Stillwater in Minnesota, and stayed with Warren MacKenzie before returning to Vancouver, with plans to set up a 'back to the land' studio in Roberts Creek at what they called the Cold Mountain Pottery. Work progressed for a while, but the wood fired kiln was never built, they could bisque the pots in situ but they had to load up the pots, and take a ferry to Tam Irving's where he generously loaned his gas kiln. At some point in 1976 the scheme collapsed.
Martin did an about turn and attended law school and worked in law in Toronto. During the years as a lawyer in Toronto Martin set up the Crawford Street Pottery (1993-97) and the Rosedale Pottery (1997-2003). He returned to Vancouver in 2003 and by 2006 has set up his studio, Dunbar Pottery. John Reeve arrived shortly thereafter and worked at Dunbar pottery intermittently from 2006 to 2010. In 2007 at John's suggestion, Martin invited Ron Vallis join him and they continue to share the studio and hold biannual sales. Martin sold and exhibited through the Gallery of BC Ceramics.

First name


Last name


Career dates (start and end)


Studio location


1974 Apprentice, Leach Pottery
1972 – 1974 Apprentice, Slug Pottery, Mick Henry.

Major Exhibitions

2013 High Fire Culture,Locating Leach/Hamada in West Coast Pottery, Satellite Gallery, Vancouver, curated by Shelly Rosenblum and Norah Vaillant
2008 Exhibition John Reeve and Martin Peters, recent work, Gallery of BC Ceramics

Affiliated organizations

Links to Further Resources

2020 – Translation and Appropriation Mingei Theory, Bernard Leach and his Vancouver Apprentices, PhD Alexandra Lambley Clark, Falmouth University. UK


Debra Sloan

Item sets