Butcher, Amelia


Maker Name

Butcher, Amelia

Studio name

2015 - 2021 Dusty Babes Collective


Amelia Butcher spent her formative years divided between BC and Peru. She is another dynamic young artist to have studied with Paul Mathieu, Julie York and Justin Novak at ECUAD, graduating in 2013.
Fellow student Sam Knopp, and five other women went on to establish the Dusty Babes Collective and rented the studio built by the late great Don Hutchinson in Surrey, BC, where he had worked from 1971 to 2015.
From 2015 until 2021 Amelia lived and worked out of their communal studio, until it was torn down to make room for more condos. Over the years at least 14 young artists have worked in that studio, which woul have pleased Don very much, and the Dusty Babes have expanded from the original lineup and now includes the "gusty babes" who have participated and contributed in the studio and group firings. Members continue to hold pop up exhibitions, and the Babes and their individual members are some of the more dynamic young ceramic artists in BC, representing diverse social art practices.
Dusty/Gusty Babes:
Samantha Knopp, Angela Hopkins, Heather Lippold, Katherine Eileen Neil, Em Ludington, Kristine Aguilar, Chrystal Johnson, Shaun Mallonga, Dana Vallee, Tony Wilson, Torrance Beamish

Amelia makes spiky but lyrical pots, often with evocative illustrations - her 'Angry Girl' and 'Witches' are well known , loved and are highly collectable. She has an active studio and exhibition practice, and a strong cerebral online presence. Amelia teaches at Arts Umbrella and Shadbolt Arts Centre. She made teaching videos for the Surrey Art Centre and for Art For Kids and was their Artist in Residence in 2022. She has served on the Board of the Potters Guild of BC. In 2022 she was a resident at Medalta.

In 2021 Amelia produced a video for the North-West Ceramics Foundation event...That Pottery Thing...showing the last wood firing to take place on Hutchinson's property.
Go to www.nwcf.ca 'That Pottery Thing' to see the video.

First name


Last name


Career dates (start and end)


Studio location

Major Exhibitions

2021 Visual Space, Vancouver, BC
2020 'Sister Worm', solo show at Seymour Art Gallery
2018 Dusty Babes show 'Subject Matter', Gibsons Public Art Gallery.

Personal Website


Links to Further Resources

Essay Cheap to Make, Fun To Spray for Studio Potter - introduction to soda firing and our time at Don Hutchinson's studio.


Debra E. Sloan

Item sets

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