Urakami, Hiro


Maker Name

Urakami, Hiro


Hiro Urakami was born in 1941, Osaka Japan, came to Canada and worked at Expo 1967, in Montreal.
He moved to Vancouver and attended the Vancouver School of Art, 1968-71 graduating in ceramics. His teachers - Reg Dixon, John Reeve.
1971 -1978 - opened the ‘House of Ceramics’ across the street from the VSA on Hamilton Street. He was frequently invited to jury for PGBC and provincial exhibitions
Editor of Western Potter,
1979-1982 President of the PGBC
Late 1970s-80s - Night school teaching at the VSA, UBC Extension Department, Peg's Place Pottery School and Douglas College
Juror - 1980 Retrospect – 25th Anniversary PGBC, Robson Square Media Centre
1980s-2000 - Established a studio West Van, where he made highly collectable porcelain.
1986 - First manager of Spring Gallery in Gas Town, then Granville Island, and it became known as the Gallery of BC Ceramics on Granville Island (1986- 2019}
Juror - 2005 TransFormations – 50th Anniversary PGBC - along with Jurors - Darrin Martens and Carol Mayer- exhibition at Burnaby Art Gallery
2013 – “High Fire Culture, Locating Leach/Hamada in West Coast Pottery“, Satellite Gallery for the UBC Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery

- Hiro Urakami has been a very significant contributor to the evolution of ceramics in BC.
- At his important gallery, ‘House of Ceramics’, he held frequent exhibitions of new and established ceramicists, his gallery became a meeting place for students, artists and collectors. He created opportunities for critiques and encouraged participants to develop their 'eye'.
- His involvement with craft organizations, particularly the PGBC, as president and as an editor of Western Potter, and as first manager of the PGBC new Gallery in 1986. In 1998 he became a Life Member
His activity as a trusted and unprejudiced juror. His appreciation of ceramics has always been wide ranging and eclectic.
His extensive collection of mainly BC ceramics.

First name


Last name


Career dates (start and end)


Date of Birth


Place of Birth

Osaka, Japan

Studio location

Major Exhibitions

Juror - Retropect Ceramics 80, Potters Guild of BC 25th Anniversary
Juror - TransFormations, Potters Guild of BC 50th Anniversary.
Hi-Fire Culture, Locating Leach/Hamada in West Coast Studio Pottery


In Publications
-1977 Catalogue of British Colombian Potters, Bob Kingsmill
- 1998 Made of Clay PGBC


Debra E. Sloan

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