Stribley, Roger


Maker Name

Stribley, Roger

Studio name

Hope Bay Pottery (Pender) 1975
Kvidinge, Sweden 1971 -74


Stribley studied, taught, and exhibited in Britain prior to coming to Canada. He was particularly active in Plymouth where he helped establish the Barbican Art Gallery. He was also an executive member of the Devon Guild of Craftsmen and worked as a designer and ceramic engineer for Barbican Potteries. From 1971 to 1975 he worked and exhibited in Sweden, coming to Canada in 1975. more to come...

From Tobias Tomlinson
Ceramicist Roger Stribley was born in England and studied at the Royal College of Art. and Birmingham College of Art 1963 - 64. He set up a studio in London and was part of the Barbican Group, which potted in Plymouth Devon.
He worked in Sweden between 1972 to 1974 and set up a studio in Kvidinge, outside Helsingborg. In 1975 he moved to Pender Is., Canada and set up a studio. He was a ceramic instructor at Capilano College, as well as gave throwing workshops on Saltspring, and the lower mainland. He volunteered on a number of Boards in London, Sweden and BC and in 1977 was President of the PGBC .
Date of death is unknown, but sometime after 2004

First name


Last name


Career dates (start and end)


Date of Birth


Place of Birth

Plymouth, UK

Place of Death

Studio location

Major Exhibitions

House of Ceramics, Vancouver, 1976
Ceramics 77, Centennial Museum, Vancouver, 1977
Retropect 80, PGBC 50th Anniversary.
Gallery of BC Ceramics, Granville Island, 1986


University of Calgary


Allan Collier
Tobias Tomlinson

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